304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


The Protective DNS Solution

Threat Intelligence、Regulation Compliance

What is Protective DNS?

Protective DNS(PDNS) is a policy-implementing, recursive DNS resolver service deployed upstream of organization networks. The service filters DNS queries compared to a range of classified threat intelligence to prevent resolution for known malicious domains and IP addresses. DNS log data will significantly enhance the visibility of DNS activities for cybersecurity teams and serve as a reference for formulating security prevention policies.

PDNS has been proven to bring the following benefits to an enterprise in cybersecurity defense tasks:

  • Malware / Phishing / Ransomware Protection
  • Data Leakage Prevention
  • Enhanced Visibility and Control
  • Compliance Requirements
  • Scalability and Performance

Why start with DNS Security?

Businesses across the globe are constantly facing cybersecurity attacks. Advancing technologies have made it easier; attackers can now launch malicious campaigns even without human intervention. Their goal is to breach your organization’s security and steal information, hack your accounts, extort money, and more.  

 The DNS service is your initial point of contact for all online connections. By enhancing its filtering and detection abilities, it can instantly stop threats, effectively serving as the first layer of security for your organization’s information. Moreover, it has several advantages: 

  • No changes required to existing endpoint device settings. 
  • Highly efficient for blocking suspicious connections. 
  • Can handle encrypted websites without issue.  
  • Most cost-effective solution. 

Importance of DNS as A Component of the Overall Security

Remote Workforce


On-Premises Workforce






iSafer - Born for DNS Security

Today’s businesses are highly reliant on network services; therefore, organizations need more secure, private, manageable, and visible control over internet traffic ever than before. 

The current DNS system was created to simply resolve internet requests, translating those requests into their unique IP addresses. But this vital service was not designed with security in mind. Thus, many DNS exploits and vulnerabilities now exist. 

iSafer is a proactive DNS security solution that provides effective monitoring and control of all DNS activities originating from any internet-connected device. It empowers admins with tools that strengthen cybersecurity, privacy, threat visibility, and delivers optimal protection for your organization’s IT infrastructure and hybrid workforce. 

iSafer 5 Core Applications

DNS Firewall

Helps to mitigate cybersecurity risks by identifying and blocking potentially harmful domains, protecting users from malware, phishing attacks, and other online threats.

DNS Proxy

Through the proxy service, gather detail connection information and improve performance and security by caching DNS responses and reducing latency.

DNS Server​

Split internal/external public services for safety concerns, and improve legacy DNS service quality with independent ACL rules.


Makes your critical public services uninterrupted and keep monitoring the health status, faster response times and better failover mechanisms to maintain service quality for you.

Threat Intelligence

Involves analyzing and understanding emerging threats and attack patterns to proactively defend against cyberattacks. Helps organizations make informed protect their data from cyber threats.

iSafer Benefits to Organization

Quick Adoption

No operation downtime or architecture changes be needed.

Easy Management

Clear & sharp UI design for system setting and data visibility.

Efficient Protection

Up billion threat intelligence and filtering policy maximum protection.


Offload security gateway working tasks and no endpoint limit charge.

Top 3 Attacks Threat Intelligence Can Effectively Mitigate

DNS-based malware

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