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Sophisticated HTTP and DNS DDoS attacks on the rise

Lucian Constantin / Report

Source :

Cybercriminals are now using techniques to launch distributed denial of service attacks once only available to nation-state threat actors.

The last few months have seen an increase in the number of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) vectors with sophisticated techniques, including attack targeting authoritative DNS servers for domain names, attacks launched from botnets built using hijacked virtual machines and HTTP application-layer attacks with highly randomized fingerprints.

“The second quarter of 2023 was characterized by thought-out, tailored and persistent waves of DDoS attack campaigns on various fronts,” web security company Cloudflare said in a new report. These included DDoS attacks launched by pro-Russian hacktivist groups like REvil, Killnet, and Anonymous Sudan against Western websites; a large increase in targeted DNS attacks; UDP amplification attacks leveraging a vulnerability in Mitel MiCollab business phone systems; and an alarming escalation in HTTP attack sophistication, the company said.