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Global Cyber-Attack Volume Surges 38% in 2022

Phil Muncaster  / Reporter

Source :

The number of cyber-attacks recorded last year was nearly two-fifths (38%) greater than the total volume observed in 2021, according to Check Point.

The security vendor claimed the increase was largely due to a surge in attacks on healthcare organizations, which saw the largest year-on-year (YoY) increase (74%), and the activities of smaller, more agile hacking groups.

Overall, attacks reached an all-time high in Q4 with an average of 1168 weekly attacks per organization. The average weekly figures for the year were highest for education sector organizations (2314), government and military (1661) and healthcare (1463).

Threat actors appear to have capitalized on gaps in security created by the shift to remote working and studying, according to Omer Dembinsky, Check Point data group manager.

“The ransomware ecosystem is continuing to evolve and grow with smaller, more agile criminal groups that form to evade law enforcement,” he argued.