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DTX2022: How to Scam Someone Using Social Media Phishing

By By Kevin Poireaul / Staff reporter Rource:

By Kevin Poireaul / Staff reporter


Throughout their careers, many security professionals have come across people who say: ‘I bet you couldn’t hack me!’

In February 2022, Jake Moore, global cybersecurity advisor at the European firm ESET, took this literally and tried to hack several employees of the same company, using exclusively publicly available information, off-the-shelf tools and social engineering techniques. He shared his experience at DTX Europe on October 13, 2022.

Moore’s aim was to use LinkedIn, a professional social media platform with 800+ million users, including 40% who check it daily. “LinkedIn’s InMail message system gets four times more responses than a traditional email. I wondered if I could use it in a phishing way,” he said.