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Cloudflare Users Exposed to Attacks Launched From Within Cloudflare: Researchers

 Ionut Arghire / Report

Source :

Gaps in Cloudflare’s security controls allow users to bypass customer-configured protection mechanisms and target other users from the platform itself, technology consulting firm Certitude warns.

The issue, the company says, arises from the shared infrastructure that all Cloudflare tenants have access to, allowing malicious actors to abuse the trust customers place in the platform’s protections to target them via Cloudflare.

A major cybersecurity vendor offering web application firewall (WAF), bot management, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protections, Cloudflare relies on a network of reverse-proxy servers to inspect all traffic headed to customers’ web servers for malicious activity.

According to Certitude, because traffic originating from Cloudflare’s own infrastructure is considered trusted by default, it is not passed through the configured reverse-proxy servers, as is traffic from other parties.

Because of that, the consulting firm says, an attacker registered with Cloudflare can target other users on the platform, essentially bypassing the platform’s protections.

One gap Certitude discovered is related to the ‘Authenticated Origin Pulls’ on Transport Layer mechanism, which relies on a Cloudflare SSL certificate for authentication.

When setting up the authentication mechanism to their web servers (origin servers), customers can opt for using a Cloudflare certificate or for using their own certificate.