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2022 CSC Domain Security Report Finds Nearly Three Quarters of Global 2000 Companies are at Alarmingly High Risk of Exposure to Security Threats

Steve Bosk / contacts


75% of lookalike domains are registered with unrelated third parties and target these companies

WILMINGTON, Del., November 15, 2022–(BUSINESS WIRE)–CSC, an enterprise-class domain registrar and world leader in mitigating domain and domain name system (DNS) threats, today released its third annual Domain Security Report that found three out of four Forbes Global 2000 companies have not adopted key domain security measures—exposing them to high risk of security threats. These companies have implemented less than half of all domain security measures.

In addition, lookalike domains are targeting those companies as well—with 75% of homoglyph registrations being registered to unrelated third parties. That means many of the world’s largest brands contend with maliciously registered domains that look like their brands. The intent of these fake domain registrations is to leverage the trust placed on the targeted brand to launch phishing attacks or other forms of digital brand abuse, or IP infringement that leads to revenue loss, traffic diversion, and a diminished brand reputation. Homoglyph domains are just some of the endless domain spoofing tactics and permutations that can be used by phishers and malicious third parties.