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Only 30% of Cyber-Insurance Holders Say Ransomware is Covered

Phil Muncaster UK / EMEA News Reporter


Cyber-insurance providers appear to be limiting policy coverage due to surging costs from claimants, according to a new study from Delinea.

The security vendor polled 300 US-based IT decision makers to compile its latest report, Cyber-insurance: if you get it be ready to use it.

Although 93% were approved for specialized cyber-insurance cover by their provider, just 30% said their policy covered “critical risks” including ransomware, ransom negotiations and payments.

Around half (48%) said their policy covers data recovery, while just a third indicated it covers incident response, regulatory fines and third-party damages.

That may be because many organizations are regularly being breached and look to their providers for pay-outs, driving up costs for carriers. Some 80% of those surveyed said they’ve had to call on their insurance, and half of these have submitted claims multiple times, the study noted.

As a result, many insurers are demanding that prospective policyholders implement more comprehensive security controls before they’re allowed to sign up.