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1000 Shipping Vessels Impacted by Ransomware Attack

James Coker / Deputy Editor

Source :

Around 1000 shipping vessels have been impacted by a ransomware attack, a software management company has revealed.

DNV, a Norwegian software supplier that provides services for 12,000 ships and mobile offshore units across the globe, said its ShipManager software had been hit by the attack on January 7, 2023.

Consequently, around 70 customers operating roughly 1000 vessels have been impacted. These customers “have been advised to consider relevant mitigating measures depending on the types of data they have uploaded to the system.”

DNV added that it had informed the impacted parties about their responsibility to notify the relevant data protection authorities in their countries of the incident.

However, the firm said “there are no indications that any other data or servers by DNV are affected,” and the server outage has not impacted any of its other services.

Additionally, the incident has not affected the vessels’ ability to operate. This is because they can still use the onboard, offline functionalities of the ShipManager software. Also, other systems on the impacted ships remain unaffected.